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Ready to SERVE?


A church is more than a building, its a body of believers working to serve and grow God's Kingdom! We have many opportunities to serve. From making coffee on Sunday mornings, mowing the property to helping with child-care in the Fellowship KIDS nursery and much more, we would love to get you plugged in!

Discover Ways to Serve With Fellowship


You are the first impression. From greeting people at the door, helping people to their seats, showing people where to go, you are important in helping make connections with our guests and church family. 


You serve the body by filling the body... with food! From making coffee on Sundays, providing food for those in bereavement at a funeral and feeding the Church family during our meetings, you are an important part of this body.


Keeping our facility clean and "tidy" is an often unrecognized position until it's not done. Help serve the body and our community by making sure our facility is clean and expression of God's grace.




Be a part of the team that helps plan and facilitate local ministry to our community. We want to be the physical expression of God's grace to Livonia and our surrounding cities.
We recognize the Great Commission can't be accomplished alone. We have several Local and Global Mission Partners that we support and serve alongside. Be a part of the team in helping our missionaries know they aren't just a budgeted line item but are a part of the Fellowship family.
We are all created to worship. Use your talents and gifts in singing and musical instruments in helping the body unite as one in worshipping Jesus as both Savior and King.


Let's be real, money isn't our aim but it's needed to help run the local church. Use your wisdom and talents in helping us be faithful stewards with every single penny the Lord has entrusted us with.


From audio, video, pro presenter and all things in-between... join the team that connects the worship experience with all of our senses.


We have several teams in ministering to our kids. From the Nursery (Newborn-3yo), Kids (4yo-5th) and Students (5th-12th) on Sundays. Be a part of partnering with parents in helping this next generation meet, know and follow Jesus.




Have a green thumb? Enjoy fixing things or working outdoors? Be a part of the team that helps steward our facility and property as a witness to our local community.
Radiant is our women's ministry geared towards women of all ages and walks of life. Be a part of building women to love Jesus and love one another.
Join the team in partnering with men of all ages to become fully devoted followers of Jesus. Help facilitate our Monday evening meet ups or different events throughout the year.

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:45

Let's serve together!

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.